Friday, August 23, 2013

You Can Build The Iron Man Suit

Although specifically geared toward the Engineering students at Georgia Tech, the message delivered in this viral video applies to all students starting school in the next few weeks.  In this epic welcome speech, Nicholas Selby offers ten tips to the incoming Freshman at Georgia Tech..., but he also speaks about much more.  He reminds the students to remember WHY they are there.  To learn.  To grow.  To dream.  If they wish to build the Iron Man Suit, then gain the information necessary to build it!  His message is a strong and important message for students of all ages.  In September, remember why you are in school.  Learn from the harder teacher.  Sit in the front of the class.  Don't procrastinate.

And if you are going to build the Iron Man suit, please do not wear it to school.   Thanks.